A first post, back from Mexico...

I've arrived home from Mexico, last Saturday. The experience there was powerful and full of new lessons and marvelous fun. It makes me want to go back down there right away. We built two houses in three days, and there were 42 people in the group that went down. The kids down there were sooooo cute.

Good pictures, Peter! I like the one of Mani too :) Perhaps we can swap, you have mine, may I see the rest of yours sometime?
Nice colors on the new blog too, may God be glorified by all of your posts!
4:10 PM
Yeah, a new blog! I'm liking your Mexico posts, Peter. Wish I could have been there. Keep up the good work.
4:39 PM
Ah, finally a new blog. :) I've kept up with the challenge so far.
5:09 PM
haha! hi!
4:14 PM
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