All time favorite pictures taken by me this summer...
Ok. In the very busy summer, I've managed to take some pictures. I'd like you all to tell me which picture is the best. You can rate them by letter. All right, here goes:
(a) In June my family traveled to Glacier National Park for a Vanderhorst family reunion. On the way, we stopped at Yellowstone. This is Old Faithful. On your ballot, mark down "a" first if this is your favorite.

(b)In Yellowstone, we went to the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. It was beautiful.

(c)We drove by Yellowstone Lake at sunset. You could see the moon through the sunset, and it was stunning.

(d)This shot may be one of my best action shots ever. Paul threw the snowball at me, and I caught it in the air, with a great expression on his face. What do you think?

(e)After finishing the roof of our Mexican house, I got some sweet rooftop pictures. This one's of the sunset.

That's all the pictures I've got on this computer. If you want to see the pictures enlarged, click on them. Please comment, and don't forget to subcribe to my site through bloglet on the right hand sidebar.
The snow one is also cool, but it looks too much like Paul is posing for a tooth-whitening commercial.
"Hey, Ma, look! Ivory cleans my teeth and my hands!" ;)
But really, besides that, the picture is pretty neat, composition-wise and all. :) But I think I like f) the best.
3:17 PM
S'okay though.
I'll get over it.
4:24 PM
I saved them all to my computer!
they're all gorgeous pictures.
'cept the one of Paul.
(no offence to Paul of course, but I wouldn't classify him as gorgeous.) know what i mean.
The sunset was beatiful!
9:50 PM
nice pics! they are all good. well i am off to choir then the parade. i'm tired. goodbye.
7:47 AM
Since I've looked at your pictures, I say you go look at mine.
9:36 AM
The landscapes are lovely. c) and e) especially catch my eye because I'm a sucker for sunsets. terms of composition and rarity, I've giving my vote to d).
Yes, d) is the winner. :)
11:52 AM
Yes, the glare was intentional. :)
12:13 PM
Those are all neat. I think I will go with C because I had never seen that one yet. The one of Paul is pretty cool though. As far as Old Faithful or Yellowstone Falls... well, actually, we took pictures almost identical to those when we were there. So I sort of enjoyed them to their fullest already. They are very nice though. And the one of the sun with the camera catching the glare is nice. But I took one almost just like it. Heh.
2:56 PM
all positively amazing. Well done little bro. Like to see them bigger on the original file sometime.
9:19 PM
I thought there were six? Eh, okay, since there weren't, or, anyway, aren't now, I vote e). :-)
1:54 PM
Those are really cool pictures. I think I B)the best, that one is awesome.
3:05 PM
Permission to save to my compy?
3:28 PM
Yes, I know.
2:54 PM
So . . . have we, your audience, reached a conclusion as to which photograph best displays your photography skills?
3:53 PM
You . . . need . . . to . . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . .
At your convenience, of course. ;)
4:32 PM
Pictures. :D Do you want a more specific answer?
Because, you know, I can't draw to save my life.
7:57 PM
Who knows when? Hopefully before I die . . .
7:58 PM
Yes, I took both of the pictures and made them into one.
I guess I should check all of my blogs before I answer your questions. :D
7:59 PM
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